This'll interest you a lot, considering your ukulele activities, I've been travelling for months with my ukuleles, discovering foreign cultures and inspiring places, writing songs as I travel. The website shows these adventures, with original ukulele songs and the Ukulele Road Trips Podcast !
You may want to share a certain aspect of this story on your own blog. And even start a partnership of sorts.
Hi there, I found your site on the top 100 ukulele themed sites so I wanted to send you the Jive Aces new music video for The Charlie Chaplin classic, "Smile".
You can find the video at
You may have seen another video of ours, Bring Me Sunshine, which was pretty popular on the ukulele scene.
Hi Shaka Shaka !
回覆刪除This'll interest you a lot, considering your ukulele activities,
I've been travelling for months with my ukuleles, discovering foreign cultures and inspiring places, writing songs as I travel.
The website shows these adventures, with original ukulele songs and the Ukulele Road Trips Podcast !
You may want to share a certain aspect of this story on your own blog. And even start a partnership of sorts.
Have a great day !
Hi there,
回覆刪除I found your site on the top 100 ukulele themed sites so I wanted to send you the Jive Aces new music video for The Charlie Chaplin classic, "Smile".
You can find the video at
You may have seen another video of ours, Bring Me Sunshine, which was pretty popular on the ukulele scene.
Cheers, Alex